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Есть предложения по организации учебного процесса или знаете, как сделать школу лучше?

Учитель английского языка

первой категории

МАОУ СОШ № 52 города Тюмени

Масленникова Альфия Шакирчановна

Урок  английского языка в 8 классе на тему «Professions and jobs»

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Цель урока:

- систематизация и закрепление лексики  по теме «Jobs and qualities».

Задачи урока:


 - формировать у учащихся социолингвистическую компетенцию, т.е. умение выбрать нужную лингвистическую форму, способ выражения, в зависимости от условий коммуникативного акта


- развивать  интонационный  слух и языковую догадку

- формировать умение критического мышления: выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать

- развивать внимание, восприятие, наглядно-образное мышление


- формировать социальную компетенцию, которая проявляется в желании и умении вступать в коммуникативный контакт с другими людьми

- воспитывать потребность расширять свой словарный запас

Оснащение урока:

- учебник Английский язык 8 класс/ Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. М.: Просвещение, 2014;

- реквизиты для заданий

- презентация

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

T: Good morning students.  Glad to see you. Take your seats, please.

How are you? …

If you are fine we will start our lesson. What’s today’s date? …

Open you copy books, please and write down the date. Today is …

Today we are going to speak about professions and jobs.

First of all, I’d like to ask you a question. What is the most popular profession today in your opinion?

Start with: I think the most popular profession is …


T:… In my opinion, it’s too difficult to say what professions are popular.

I think that everyone should choose a job, according to their abilities and dreams. F.e  if you don’t like math lessons at school you won’t be able to work as an accountant.

Do you agree with me?

If you don’t like your job you won’t be happy.

I know that it’s a very critical question for you now.

Let’s see the video about choosing a future job.


T: What about you, students? What do you want to be in the future?

Start with: I want to be …

Well. Try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Students: …

T:  What are the aims of our lesson?

Start with: The aims of our lesson are …

  • practicing in using words related to professions;
  • practicing in listening for specific information;
  • guessing words by the context;
  • practicing in our communicative skills;


  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Well. Let me call for our guests and play the game “Guess my profession”. They will present themselves for you.

You should guess their professions.

Hello, what do you do?

S1: Hello, boys and girls. Let me introduce myself. I’m Jilly. My profession is a secret for a while. Try to guess it, please. I’m so beautiful, tall and thin. I can dance well. You can see my face in different magazines and on TV. Acting is my cup of tea. That’s why I have to learn the long texts. I like travelling. It’s a part of my profession. But I can’t walk on streets and see interesting sights like other tourists. People recognize me and ask for me to take photo. Sometimes I am so tired of my fame. What is my profession?

T: Start with: Are you a  … (teacher)?

Students: Are you a …?

S2: Good morning, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I’m John. I want to tell you about my profession. My job is very dangerous. Of course, my profession is profession only for men.

People call for us when they need immediate actions to save them from the burning building. Thus we should be strong and self-collected. So, we are …

Students: Are you a …?

T: He said, “People call for us when they need immediate actions to save them”. What does it mean?

Students: ________

S3: Hello, students. What is a place where very sick people are taken? They are cured in it and then they go home healthy. I have been working there for some years. Before that I had graduated from Medical University. What is my profession?

Students: Are you a …?

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T: Now your task is to classify the following professions into these categories. Work in groups. You can use your telephones to translate some words.

Traditional professions

Unusual professions

Teacher, doctor, postman, builder, pilot, butcher, surgeon, singer, journalist, firefighter, vet, dentist, engineer

Artist, web designer, race car driver, cosmonaut, bodyguard,  oil rig worker

I will give you only 2 minutes.

Who is ready? Please. Will you read the list of traditional professions.


Well, unusual professions  are …


T: Now, answer my questions, please.

What professions are popular among the young people?

Maybe, professions which related with a computer such as web-designer, computer programmer, IT analyst and so on.

- What do you want to be?

- Do you find this profession interesting (important)?

- What subjects are important for your profession?

  1. Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом.

Т: Well. Thank you,

T: Is this profession interesting for you? What qualities do they need? Start with: They needs to be (patient, responsible, intelligent, honest).

Students: _________

T: I am guessing that our lesson is going to be over. Let’s do the last exercise. Complete the sentences, please.

Where do the following people work? What qualities do they need?

A nurse works in …

A good nurse needs to be …

A librarian works in a …

A good librarian needs to be … as she has to consult readers about books

A cashier works in a …

A good cashier needs to be …

A kindergarten teacher works …

A good kindergarten teacher needs to be … as she bring up children

  1. Итоги урока.

T: Would you like to repeat once again the aims of our lesson, please


The aims of our lesson were

  • practicing in using words related to professions;
  • practicing in listening for specific information;
  • guessing words by the context;
  • practicing in our communicative skills;

Teacher: So, can we say that we were practicing in using words related to professions?

Students: …

Teacher: Were you practicing your communicative skills during the lesson? 


  1. Домашнее задание.

Now I want you to write down your home task.

Write a short essay about your future profession.

  1. Оценки за урок.

Thank you very much for the lesson.

Today we tried to improve our communicative skills, our English.


The lesson is over. Goodbye!


Почтовый адрес:
625043, г.Тюмень,
ул. Хамита Ярми, 13

8(3452) 63-89-12
прием по личным вопросам:
вторник с 14.00 до 17.00
Заместитель директора:
8(3452) 63-89-17
прием по личным вопросам: 
вторник с 14.00 до 17.00



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