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Учитель английского языка

первой категории

МАОУ ООШ № 52 города Тюмени

Масленникова Альфия Шакирчановна

Урок  английского языка

Класс: 9

Тема урока: Map symbols and road features («Знаки и условные обозначения на карте города»).

Цели урока:

- ознакомление с новой лексикой  по теме «Map symbols and road features»

- активизация лексики по теме “Town and community

Задачи урока:


 - формировать у учащихся социолингвистическую компетенцию, т.е. умение выбрать нужную лингвистическую форму, способ выражения, в зависимости от условий коммуникативного акта


- развивать  интонационный  слух и языковую догадку

- формировать умение критического мышления: выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать

- развивать внимание, восприятие, наглядно-образное мышление


- формировать социальную компетенцию, которая проявляется в желании и умении вступать в коммуникативный контакт с другими людьми

- воспитывать потребность расширять свой словарный запас

Оснащение урока:

- учебник Английский язык 9 класс/ Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. М.: Просвещение, 2015;

- реквизиты для заданий

- иллюстрации (условные обозначения объектов города)


Ход урока:

1.     Организационный момент

Good morning students.  Glad to see you.

Who is away?  …

How are you? …

If you are fine we will start our lesson. What’s today’s date? …

Open you copy books, please and write down the date. Today is …

2.     Лексико - фонетическая зарядка по теме “Asking and giving the way” (отрабатывается произношение  отдельных слов, а также коммуникативно-ценные фразы и клише по теме урока)

T: I’d like to start our lesson with these words and phrases.

They are connected with the theme of our lesson.

But firstly, we should correctly pronounce some sounds:[ t], [f], [s], [g]

Repeat after me, please:

Turn, turning, the first turning, the first turning to the left. Take the first turning to the left.

Cross, crossing, a street crossing. Stop at a street crossing.

Lights, traffic lights. Go ahead until you get to the traffic lights.

Let’s repeat these sounds once again …

Well done.

3.     Речевая зарядка.

T: Translate into Russian, please this sentence “Go ahead until you get to the traffic lights”.

PP1: …

T: Try to guess what is it?

It is a place where people keep their money. It’s a …

It is a place where books are kept. People go there to read books. It’s a …

It is a place where very sick people are taken. They are cured in it and then they go home healthy. It’s a …

It is a place where different goods (things) are sold. For example, toys, books, food and other goods. It’s a …

It is a place where thousands of people live. There are a lot of schools, shops and theatres there. It’s a …


4.     Актуализация лексики по теме “Town and community”.

T: So, try to guess a theme of our lesson … Start with: I think the theme of our lesson is…

Why do you think so?

Some minutes we were talking about town objects.


We will talk about a town.

Let’s imagine we are in the city X for the first time.

We don’t know how to get a hotel to stay there and interesting places to visit them.

We can ask a passerby the way to somewhere.

F.e. Excuse me, could you tell me how can I get to the hotel?

Such situation might be real.

Do you agree with me?


So what should we have first of all? What are your ideas? …

Start with “I think we need …                   Any ideas will be great.


For example, do you know meaning of this symbol? … (A book)

Start with: It means…  (a library, somewhere a museum).

Students: …

T: So, the theme of our lesson is “Map symbols and road features”.

During this lesson we’ll try to guess meaning of some map symbols and learn how to ask the way or give the direction to somewhere.


The aims of our lesson:

-         to learn more about map symbols and road features

-         to learn how to ask the way or give the direction to somewhere

-         to be active, curious and polite

Say once again the aims of our lesson, please.

Students: …


T: Now open your books on page 92. Ex.1.

Would you be so kind and read the task, please.


Roundabout – кольцевая транспортная развязка

Junction – перекресток (crossroad)

You don’t know these words  that’s why you write down them in your copybooks.


Work in pairs, please. Each group (two students) must a) fill in this table b) complete the sentences.


















1/ Go round the  … and take the third exit.

2/ Walk on the … , not on the road.

3/ The … are red.

4/ Let’s cross the road at the … – it’s safer.

5/ Is there any room in the …?

6/ Two roads meet at a ….

7/ You mustn’t drive in the  …; it is for buses only.

8/ He must go to  … to have an operation.


T: The time is up. Let’s check up your sentences.


Let’s do next exercise. Ex.2 on page 92. Read the task, please.


The class is divided into some groups. Each group must fill in this table. Be more attentively. You have …3  minutes.










T: The time is up. Let’s check up your work.

Read the words from the first column, please…

Now we get to know that map symbols are …easy for understanding and demonstrative, aren’t they. Repeat it please.


5.     Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Let’s continue our lesson.


T: Ex.3. Read the task, please and look at the map in ex. 1.

What map symbols have you already noticed?

 (Road signs, road marking (дорожная разметка).

          Let’s imagine that we are at the post office.

We will ask for the way to the bank, the department store, the hospital, the library and the coffee shop.

But, firstly we should read the sentences and word combinations and understand them.

Turn left/ right –

Go straight on –

Go ahead until –

Go past the –

Take the first turning –


T: … Ask for the way to the bank.

(Use the word from the table/ Listen to him more attentively)

… Give the direction to the bank.

Remember that we are at the post office now.


Ask for the way to the department store

… Give the direction to the department store.

Remember that we are at the post office now. Start  with: Is there a department store…?


Ask for the way to the hospital

… Give the direction to the hospital

Remember that we are at the post office now. Start  with: How do I get…?


Ask for the way to the library

… Give the direction there

Remember that we are at the post office now. Start  with: Do you know…?

6.     Итоги урока.

T: Repeat once again the aims of our lesson, please

The aims of our lesson were

-         to learn more about map symbols and road features

-         to learn how to ask the way or give the direction to somewhere

-         to be active, curious and polite

T: So, can we say that we know more about map symbols and road features?

Students: …

T: Can we ask the way or give the direction to somewhere?


Were you active during the lesson? Try to prove it.


7.     Домашнее задание.

Now I want you to write down your home task. It’s the ex. 9 on p.93

8.     Оценки за урок.

Thank you very much for the lesson. Today we get to know some map symbols, and tried to improve our English. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Your mark is _________    . Well done/

_____________________ . You should be more attentively.




Почтовый адрес:
625043, г.Тюмень,
ул. Хамита Ярми, 13

8(3452) 63-89-12
прием по личным вопросам:
вторник с 14.00 до 17.00
Заместитель директора:
8(3452) 63-89-17
прием по личным вопросам: 
вторник с 14.00 до 17.00



Директор МАОУ СОШ №52 города Тюмени принимает участие в конкурсе «Директор года Тюменской области»